Archive for May, 2012

Marketing & Promotion for Massage Therapists

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Quite simply, your level of success depends on the effectiveness of your marketing & promotion program.

Earlier, we covered what promotion is. Virtually everything you do for your practice serves as a promotional activity — the design of your office space, the message on your answering machine, your clothing choices, the way you communicate with people ...

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Getting and Keeping Massage Clients

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Your main task is to build and maintain an active massage client base that will keep your appointment book full.
You must first attract people who want your massage therapist services, then keep as many clients coming back as possible. As a rule, it takes more time, effort and money to attract new business than it does to keep it. Realize, too, that it may take several years to build a thriving massage practice. Knowing this from the beginning ...

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Massage Therapists – Get Organized

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Most massage therapists have solo practices, which means you get to wear all the “hats” in your business. It also means if you don’t really plan your time well, you can wear yourself out trying to get everything done. The last thing your clients need is a stressed-out massage therapist trying to help them to relax!

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Massage Therapists – Concept the Ideal Practice

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A good place to start is to write down your concept of the ideal practice. Write down all the little details that come to mind. You’re painting a picture of the future you want to create, so don’t scrimp on the particulars! If you can make a good living doing things exactly the way you’d like to ...

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Massage Therapists – You’re the Boss

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If you’ve always worked for others as a massage therapist, one important skill to develop is to think like a business owner.

As an employee, you may work at a business in which systems have been developed before you ever came along. You may be unaware of the many steps taken to keep the gears in motion. You just come ...

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