Sending a massage newsletter to your clients on a regular basis is an extremely easy way to not only get returning clients, but also keep new clients coming back for more.
If you already have our Staying in Touch massage newsletter package, or if you are deciding to purchase or write your own massage newsletter, here are the top ten ways you can utilize this marketing piece to build your practice:
- Keep your massage newsletters on hand all the time. Pass them out to each client when they visit. Make sure your newsletters have your contact information including your name, address, phone number, website and facebook page if you have one. Social media is another great way to keep in touch with your clients!
- Always collect your clients address and email information each visit. This will help you build your client list. Keep a clipboard on hand with a client contact information sheet and ask your clients to fill out this information upon arrival.
- Mail or send your newsletter in an email at least 4-6 times a year to your client list.
- Follow up with your clients with a massage newsletter after their first appointment.
- Use your newsletters to promote massage specials, such as gift certificates.
- Always keep your massage newsletters in reach of all your clients (front desk, waiting room or massage room).
- Ask other massage related professional offices (such as chiropractors, acupuncturists, holistic healing offices, fitness clubs, dayspas and salons) if you can leave a stack of newsletters either at the front desk or waiting area.
- Always hand newsletters out at public events or when you are participating in an presentation or a fitness fair. Encourage people who attend events to subscribe for a free massage newsletter either by collecting hand written information or by giving them your website or facebook page. This not only encourages a long term professional relationship, but keeps them updated with your massage services.
- Send newsletters or articles when you are communicating about massage events or other community activities in your area. Paste this information in a social media post and link back to the article on your website.
- Post newsletters to your social sites and websites. Make sure you have a share button on your website so that your can also get viral referrals as well!
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!
I can’t preach enough how important it is to ALWAYS communicate with your clients on a consistent basis. It keeps your name fresh in their minds and can only provide more business in the long run. A good massage newsletter will help educate your clients on the benefits of massage and deepen their appreciate for your skills and expertise. Massage newsletters should educate and showcase a variety of massage skills and topics and educate on the numerous benefits of regular massages. They offer a ton of marketing opportunities with the addition of gift certificate promotions, as well as social media promotions – check in today and receive 10% off your next massage.
Consistency is Key!
Massage newsletters are an easy and professional way to remind both your new and returning clients the importance of a healthy lifestyle, tips on how to get the most from massage, and a personal way (in your voice) to thank your clients for using you for all their massage services. Our newsletter issues have a custom column version so you can add in “your voice” and provide personalized messages to your clients. You will see only after a few months how beneficial massage newsletters really are by tracking your return on investment . When clients keep coming back and your sales have dramatically improved, you will be able to subtract the cost of the newsletters vs the overall profit of sales. Newsletters are a crucial marketing piece for all massage therapists who are either starting or maintaining their own massage practice.