Important points to consider if you design your own massage newsletter…

  • Plan on spending anywhere from 10 to 30 hours to research and write the massage articles; find appropriate artwork; create the layout, etc. for each massage newsletter issue.
  • Compare the layout and design you create for your massage newsletter with other massage newsletters you’ve seen for professionalism. A good reason for using a massage marketing service is that many therapists don’t see the weak points in their own work and end up creating issues that don’t really “promote” their massage practice image. You’ll end up wasting your time and money because your well-intentioned massage newsletter won’t really do the job you intended it to do — educate your massage clients and inspire them to call you.
  • You shouldn’t even consider creating your own promotional materials if you aren’t good at grammar, writing, etc. Misspelled words, grammatical errors, confusing or poorly worded sentences, etc. will give your marketing materials an unprofessional image and could actually do more harm than good.
  • For the same reason, you should have a good sense of design if you plan to invest your valuable time in attempting to create your own massage newsletters. I usually tell therapists who are considering creating their own marketing pieces that it’s a great idea if they really enjoy the entire process and have the skills required; otherwise they are just burdening themselves with a task that will drain them of time and energy that could be spent on seeing clients and making money.


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