Keep it short and to the point. Offer information on the subjects your massage clients bring up during their appointments, such as handling stress, neck complaints and back pain. Ask what they would like to see in future massage newsletter issues. You can also share results from recent studies on massage.
- Don’t get too technical. Remember that most people don’t have much knowledge of anatomy and physiology, so refrain from using too much industry terminology.
- Stay positive. Have your massage newsletters match the direction of your practice — to improve your clients’ lives physically, mentally and spiritually. Carry that message forward in your writing.
- Say “you.” Directing your message to the reader, not your entire client base, makes your message more personal and more effective.
- Include a time-dated special offer to get clients to book sessions right away. Consider offering a discount for booking an appointment by the end of themonth or a package discount for clients who are interested in pre-paying for several massages.
Feel free to add personal touches. When massage therapist Leslie Hendricks sends my Staying in Touch newsletters to her clients, she includes a Cozy Client Corner section featuring a client who has his or her own business, as a reciprocal networking gesture. She also includes Leslie’s Classic Movie Pick of the Month, where she reviews a classic movie of her choice.
Leslie says that mailing her massage newsletters on a bi-monthly basis has made a huge difference in her massage income. “The massage newsletters act as a gentle reminder for my clients to call and schedule their next appointment, as well as purchase gift certificates for special occasions,” she says. “My clients even tell me that they truly look forward to receiving them. So it’s well worth the effort.”
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