Archive for 'Marketing Tips for Massage Therapists'

The Redeeming Qualities of Massage Therapy

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If one were to base the definition of massage therapy on what is seen in advertising you could easily assume that massage is an additional form of splurging by those with the means to do so. However, massage therapy is much more than that. Not only is the art of massage an integral part of the maintenance and recuperation of athletics worldwide, but also in the rigors and stresses of our everyday lives as well.

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A well-written client newsletter is a proven massage marketing tool

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A well-written client newsletter is a proven marketing tool that can help you build a stronger practice.

You can do everything yourself or use a massage newsletter service like mine. A massage newsletter service provides ready-to-send massage newsletters on many topics — you just add your contact information and mail them, or you can add an additional ...

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Important points to consider if you design your own massage newsletter…

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  • Plan on spending anywhere from 10 to 30 hours to research and write the massage articles; find appropriate artwork; create the layout, etc. for each massage newsletter issue.
  • Compare the layout and design you create for your massage newsletter with other massage newsletters you’ve seen for professionalism. A good reason for using a massage marketing service is that many therapists don’t see the weak points in their own work ...
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Tips for an Effective Massage Newsletter

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  • Keep it short and to the point. Offer information on the subjects your massage clients bring up during their appointments, such as handling stress, neck complaints and back pain. Ask what they would like to see in future massage newsletter issues. You can also share results from recent studies on massage.
  • Don’t get too technical. Remember that most people don’t have much knowledge of anatomy and physiology, so refrain from ...
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More Benefits of Sending Scheduled Massage Newsletters

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Another benefit of sending scheduled massage newsletters to your clients is that occasional massage clients may become regulars. If the educational seeds you plant nurture a client from seeing you a couple of times a year to once or twice a month, you’ve increased your annual income as much as $1000 from just that one massage client.

The ...

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Why Massage Newsletters are Cost-Effective!

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In order to properly evaluate a marketing tool, you should have a basic idea of what constitutes a good financial return for the dollars you spend.

For example, if you spend $100 producing and sending a marketing piece like an educational massage newsletter, how much income must you bring in to make it worth ...

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Massage Marketing – Massage Newsletters

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The client educational newsletter – Part 1

This is where I get to sing the praises of my favorite marketing tool, the client educational newsletter. You can create a newsletter yourself or use a newsletter service like mine. Either way, an attractive newsletter is a great marketing tool.

The educational client newsletter is the ultimate multi-tasker. In one easy step, a well-written newsletter sent to your client list can:

» Educate your clients on the many benefits your ...

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Massage Therapists Educate your Targets

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In order to demonstrate what you have to offer as a massage therapist, you have to get people in the door — and to do that, you need to tell them why they need your massage services. What can you do for them? How can you make their lives better? Answer these questions successfully and they’ll be flocking to you.

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Marketing & Promotion for Massage Therapists

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Quite simply, your level of success depends on the effectiveness of your marketing & promotion program.

Earlier, we covered what promotion is. Virtually everything you do for your practice serves as a promotional activity — the design of your office space, the message on your answering machine, your clothing choices, the way you communicate ...

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Getting and Keeping Massage Clients

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Your main task is to build and maintain an active massage client base that will keep your appointment book full.
You must first attract people who want your massage therapist services, then keep as many clients coming back as possible. As a rule, it takes more time, effort and money to attract new business than it does to keep it. Realize, too, that it may take several years to build a thriving massage practice. Knowing this from the beginning ...

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